
A man takes measurements on a hillside covered in fallen leaves.

Fund your research, travel, studies, and fieldwork.

* indicates GSA membership required


J. David Lowell Field Camp Scholarships*

Undergraduate students worldwide can apply for a scholarship of up to $2,000 to attend the geology field camp of their choice. Awardees will also receive a new Blue Brunton Transit.

Apply by 31 March.

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Travel Funding

On To the Future

Students and early career professionals from diverse communities can participate in On To the Future to receive support to attend GSA Connects. Participants receive partial travel funding if attending in-person, full or online meeting registration, one-year membership, mentorship, and special sessions with leadership during the meeting. GSA welcomes the full participation of individuals from groups who have been historically excluded from the geosciences. Applicants must reside in North America.

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Northeastern Urban Award for Non-Traditional Students

Undergraduate students and graduate students can apply for an award of up to $1,000 to defray the cost of attending the Northeastern Section Meeting if they work full time, care for dependents, or are otherwise considered a non-traditional student. Preference will be given to students in the Northeastern Section and those presenting papers, but students from any Section may apply.

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Travel Grants*

Undergraduate students and graduate students can apply to GSA Sections, Divisions, and other groups to receive funding to help defray the costs for meeting registration, field trips, short courses, and travel.

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International Student Travel Grants

Undergraduate students and graduate students who reside outside of North America can apply to GSA International for travel grants that cover costs to attend and present research at GSA Connects meetings. The Christopher I. and Irene N. Chalokwu Travel Grant supports travel for students who are in Africa and working on African geology. GSA membership is preferred but not required.

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International Geological Congress Travel Grants

Undergraduate students, graduate students, and early career professionals can apply for travel grants and mentoring for the International Geological Congress, which occurs every four years. Must be a United States citizen or permanent resident and be located currently in the United States.

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Student Volunteer Program*

Undergraduate students and graduate students who volunteer at least ten hours at GSA Connects receive complimentary meeting registration and get an insider’s experience of the meeting.

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Research Grants & Awards

Graduate Student Research Grants*

Graduate students can apply for funding up to $3,000 to support thesis research in any branch of the geosciences. Applicants must attend school in the United States, Canada, Mexico or Central America.

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Undergraduate Student Research Grants*

Undergraduate students can further their research interests with grants available through GSA's geographic Sections. Applicants should be enrolled in institutions or conducting research within a GSA Section (United States, Canada, Mexico). Deadlines occur between 1 Mar. and 15 Apr. and vary by Section.

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Stephen G. Pollock Undergraduate Student Research Grants*

Undergraduate students may apply to GSA’s Northeastern Section to receive funding of up to $1,500 to support their geoscience research. Applicants must be enrolled in institutions within the Northeastern Section. Apply by 15 March.

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Farouk El-Baz Student Research Grant for Desert Studies*

Undergraduate students (seniors only) and graduate students anywhere in the world may apply for funding up to $2,500 to support research in desert studies.

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Division Grants & Awards For Students*

Undergraduate students and graduate students can find research grants, travel funding, and awards for best papers and presentations through GSA’s scientific Divisions.

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Division Honors & Awards for Professionals

Professionals may receive recognition from GSA’s scientific Divisions for excellence in research, publishing and teaching, and for distinguished careers in the geosciences.

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W. Storrs Cole Memorial Research Award*

GSA Members or Fellows who are between 30 and 65 years of age and who have published one or more significant papers on micropaleontology may apply for this award, which supports research in invertebrate micropaleontology.

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Gladys W. Cole Memorial Research Award*

GSA Members or Fellows who are between 30 and 65 years of age and who have published one or more significant papers on geomorphology may apply for this award, which supports the investigation of the geomorphology of semiarid and arid terrains in the United States and Mexico.

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Advancing Geochronology Science, Spaces, and Systems—This program addresses challenges in geochronology data access, technical innovation, and training.


Graduate students may receive grants of up to $10,000 that enable them to develop the scientific rationale for projects involving geochronology and receive hands-on experience acquiring data in labs, all while being mentored by geochronologists.

Program info


Graduate students, postdoctoral scientists, and senior scientists may receive $12,000 to $15,000 grants to help them engage, train, and educate students who have not traditionally had equal access to geochronology resources.

Program info


Postdoctoral scientists and senior scientists may receive grants up to $10,000 to support community driven ideas for addressing geochronology needs, such as capturing, formalizing, and disseminating not yet standardized geochronology knowledge that is not widely available, and providing opportunities for collaborative discussion on key geochronology challenges related to human-, technical-, or cyber-infrastructure.

Program info